About the Service Directory

East Toronto Health Partners’ (ETHP) Service Directory helps local residents and care providers find health, social and community services in East Toronto. East Toronto is defined as the area loosely bounded by Eglinton Avenue on the north, Midland Avenue on the east, Lake Ontario on the south and Bayview Avenue on the west. However, our care and services are not limited by geography. This means people can get the care they need where and when they need it.

The service directory is made available through a partnership with ConnexOntario, The Healthline and 211 Ontario. These three organizations collect, validate and share health, mental health, government and community services information throughout Ontario.


  • 24/7 access to information for mental health and addictions services
  • Expert youth engagement, collaboration and resource development
  • Comprehensive systems data to support informed decision making

The Healthline

  • An authoritative health service directory that makes navigating the healthcare system easier
  • Features 47,000 detailed records for home, community, primary, acute and long-term care services

211 Ontario

  • Helps people navigate the complex network of human services quickly and easily, 24/7, in over 150 languages
  • Connects people to the right information and services, strengthens Canada’s health and human services, and helps Canadians to become more engaged with their communities